Wednesday 4 July 2007

Why does it always......... OH F**K OFF!!!!

OK, it’s my turn now! I’m really fuckin fed up with this rain. It’s finally got to me. I always had the belief that there’s no such thing as bad weather, there’s only the wrong clothes. Fuck that! Even with my hi-tech, new fangled, Gortex superclothes (yes, they even repel bad vibes and keep my aura intact) I’m getting multiple soakings each day now and am starting to think I live in the middle of that poxy Travis song. I’m going to spend my luchtime battering SUV drivers.
All in favour of cutting out a sizable slice of this country, attaching an outboard motor and putting off down to the Med say ‘Aye!’ Which part of the country will we take? Preferably some part that has a EuroSpar and a Bagel factory.

In other news, it’s absolutely great to see that BBC journalist Alan Johnston and his head have been released together after 4 months of captivity.


Barry said...

Even though the logisitics of removing Monaghan from the country and getting it down to the med are sizeable, I would like to nominate it. Known for its already sunny disposition and gently rolling drumlins, I think its the obvious choice.

Anonymous said...

Nice choice Barry, unfortunately, I think we'd have to leave the accent behind.

Anonymous said...

I could've sworn I wrote a comment earlier on about stealing Bertie's island. I am so confused right now I might just hit the bottle. Of coke. A cola.