Tuesday 3 July 2007

You are what you read

Last year, I was mainly reading non-fiction, a couple of books on Rwanda, a few on Bosnia, Kosovo and Robert Fisk's mammoth The Great War for Civilisation. The year progressed, the books were getting more depressing and I was starting to become more and more disillusioned with this tiny planet in this vast universe.
Why couldn't the US State department have just admitted that what was going on in Rwanda WAS genocide and set wheels in motion to save the lives of 800 000 people? Why couldn't the UN peacekeepers in the safe enclave of Srebrenica have just done that and kept the peace instead of handing 8 000 muslim men and young boys over to their executioners? Why did the world stand by (and continues to do so) while the Israelis carried out acts against the Palestinians that can only be described as criminal? Fuck, I hated the world.

This year, as a remedy, I have prescribed myself a strict dose of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. I've read fourteen so far and intend to read the whole thirty odd of them by the end of the year. The change is for the better, instead of being Berties3rdNipple, an unimportant, anonymous blogger from Ireland, I am Abdoo Djellibelli a Klatchian fisherman from Al Khali. Or maybe that's just because it's 0.30 and I'm feeling the after effects of a monstrous weekend session and this is my first night since last Wednesday without beer. I'm sure to get the screaming heebee geebees later. I think I'll have a glass of wine!

Abdoo Djellibelli. Klatchian Fisherman


Anonymous said...

The screaming heebie jeebies! Is that like the Chicka-wom-woms?

I remember being in bits watching 'Hotel Rwanda' and feeling so useless. And being disgusted at the rest of the world for being useless at the same time. The only comfort I can find is that for every atrocious act out there, you'll find an equally wonderful act somewhere else to balance it out.

Anonymous said...

The screaming heebee jeebees are where you jump out of your sleep sweating and roaring at about 4am. They usually happen on the first night without alcohol after a good session

Barry said...

Can't say I've suffered from them myself. I'm on a strict detox for the weekend after "da wedding" at the weekend. Slippery nipples are a curse.

Barry said...

I'm detoxing for the week. Not the weekend, maybe its not worth, I'm still hammered I think.

Anonymous said...

I'm lovin' the site, hey, by the way. Why is everyone doing facelifts all of a sudden. Is it the SSIA or something?!

Bock the Robber said...

The screaming heebie-jeebies are like the crawling hoppy-shivers and the slobbering ab-dabs, only worse.

Anonymous said...

Barry: Thinking of de-toxing meself for a while.

K8: Cheers, purely out of boredom.

Bock: I don't think I'd like to catch the slobbering ab-dabs at all.