Monday 27 August 2007

A Bigger Bastard than the BOFH

Some people really know how to rub me up the wrong way. Not a good thing to do first thing on a Monday morning. I came in this morning after been out on Friday and the following E-mail was in my inbox.

-----Original Message-----
From: O'Sullivan Mary
Sent: 27 August 2007 08.33
To: Berties 3rd Nipple
Subject: James Dillon??????? Thanks!!!

That was it! Nothing in the body text, just that subject line! So, not only in my capacity as Systems Administrator do I have to fix the mundane tedious problems of moronic users, but now I have to be psychic too.
Wait a minute, I know what this is about! I fixed that problem last Thursday and sent her a mail about it! Right, that’s her on my list. I’m going to make the rest of her week hell! Just think, hourly account lockouts, daily changing passwords and missing files from her home folder. The BOFH will have nothing on me!

1 comment:

Baino said...

Aha see knowledge is power! I hate uninformative emails or the ones that speak like stuck up Englishmen "U button on keyboard stuck. FIX"