Wednesday 15 August 2007

Water water everywhere.

I was reading a book recently, ‘The Hidden Messages in Water’, by Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese Scientist. What he does is, he subjects jars of water to different types of external stimuli, quickly freezes them then takes pictures of the crystals that form. I have included some of the pictures that Dr. Emoto has taken. He claims that the stimuli greatly affect the way in which the water forms the crystals and certainly his photographic evidence supports this.
Another theory, one that forms the basis of Homeopathy is that water has memory, i.e. it can remember everything that has ever been dissolved in it so you can take the smallest amounts of a substance, dilute it in water, take a small amount of that dilution and dilute it even further and this solution will have the same properties as the original solution.
Some facts about water, the average human is composed of 70% water but that water is constantly changing as we absorb more, secrete sweat etc. We live in an enclosed system (planet Earth and its atmosphere) so water is a finite resource and is constantly being recycled around the planet, from sky to earth, through flora and fauna and so on.
Armed with all this information, I had one of my realizations (one of the ones that I only used to get whilst smoking herbal cigarettes). My new theory about Life is that, what if we are just vessels for the true Earthly conscience, Water? What if our conscience, thoughts, feelings of Déjà vu, dreams etc are just the vibrations of previous generations recycled in the water we absorb. Dr Emoto’s photos show that water is not happy cooped up in pipes and thrives in clean, unpolluted streams and rivers. I need to get access to a well and sing to my water from now on to keep it happy.

You Make me Sick

Love and Gratitude

Mozart Symphony

Heavy Metal


Anonymous said...

What worries me is the combination of two theories -

The water memory theory and the theory that all water has at one stage or another passed through someone else.

So we are all drinking p..... Yup!

Jason said...

Yes, dead right there Grandad, I don't like to think about it either.